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Placement Of Adsense Ads Location Location Location

Once you have made the decision to use Google Adsense, you need to consider where to place the ads on your pages. Much like real estate, it is all about location, location, location.

Placement of Adsense Ads Location, Location, Location

First off, you will not make $500,000 a year with Google Adsense if you have one site with 30 pages and 30 people visiting it a day. The people offering eBooks and memberships to that end are full ofstuff. Google Adsense is a program that produces over time or if you have a lot of visitors or sites. Now that I have burst your bubble, let me offer some advice on ways to do well with Google Adsense.

The single most critical step to making money with Adsense is the location of the ads. Most people put them down the right column or up at the top. This approach is dead wrong because of something known as ad blindness. Ad blindness occurs when you look at the same format over and over. In the case of the net, most people unconsciously filter out the ads on the top, right column and bottom of a page. After looking at hundreds of sites and results on search engines, they know those listings are advertisements. You, my friend, must avoid ad blindness.


The best way to get past ad blindness is to put the ads in unexpected places. In this case, you want to place them between the paragraphs of text on your site. Few sites due this, which is pretty surprising. This placement is perfect for maximizing clicks because it is in the natural flow of the text. Readers will inevitably read the text ads and click anything they might be interested in. This conclusion is also supported by the fact that people do not read the entire article or page on a site. They usually only make it through 50 to 80 percent because they find out what they want. If you place ads at the bottom of the page, they are never going to see them.

The second biggest issue is the type and color of the ads. First, try to stick to text link ads whenever possible. Nobody clicks banners because they are worried about getting caught in popup hell. As to color, some believe your ads should stand out while others believe they should blend in. Personally, I am with the blend in group. I try to make my ads blend into the overall color of the site and it seems to work fairly well.

Adding Adsense to your site is simple, but should be done with some thought. Avoid the top, bottom and right column of the pages. Try to place the java script in between paragraphs of text and experiment with different colors to see how it does. Ultimately, you will find a solution that returns solid click thru rates and generates revenues month after month, year after year.

Word count: 490

Tips To Maximize Profit With Online Marketing!

A six-figure income sounds great and it, undoubtedly, lures plenty of people in to web business traps, but it is not very realistic, at least, not immediately. If you want to build a business that produces money like that, you need to start from the ground floor and work your way up, and these tips can help you do it.

To learn more techniques, you should pretend to be a customer and see what other sellers and marketers are doing in the niche you are interested in. Subscribe to other email lists, and analyze what attracts you and what makes you not want to buy the product. Adapt these techniques to your product.

Contemplate the various methods you are interested in using in your web design efforts. Free or relatively inexpensive ways to advertise your site include hanging posters in community businesses, using social networking sites, or posting on blogs. There are lots of ways to attract visitors to your site. It's important to be creative.

Make sure your emails are personalized. You want readers to feel like they're connecting with you when reading your emails and not like they're just reading some promo that was spewed out to thousands of people. If they connect with you, they're more likely to remember you and give you their business.

Is your company doing everything it can to present a cohesive and trustworthy image to potential customers? Your website marketing efforts will not be fruitful until you build a very solid image. Your website should contain a mission statement and a privacy policy at the bare minimum, although extensive testimonials are also a wonderful idea.

If anything, these tips should help you to simplify the marketing process a little bit. It's still not going to be a piece of cake, but nothing worth doing ever is. Apply these tips correctly, focus on what you're doing, and you will watch happily as your business begins search marketing bcdesigns to grow and profit.