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If you have a good appetite and a way with words, food writing may be a career option to consider. Not only is doing research for food writing one of the more enjoyable tasks in freelance writing, but youll never be short of restaurant recommendations and potential free meals though you may run short of well-fitting pants.

To become a successful freelance food writer, youll need to know how to describe food well. The key to description, at least in traditional literature, is to make focused, concrete comparisons. To see why, ask yourself which sentence you find more appealing: It was the tastiest shrimp Ive ever eaten, or The lime-pressed garlic shrimp, grilled over applewood, had a texture between the crunch of caramelized sugar and the soft resistance of a medium-rare salmon filet?

The fundamental law of food writing is to make your reader wish that he or she had some of whatever delicious dish youre writing about, to make the reader personally invested in the food. And theres a strange quirk in the human mind: whenever we think about an object or activity, we activate the parts of our brain that turn on whenever were interacting with that object or engaged in that activity. In other words: if we think about throwing a baseball, the nerves in our arm twitch. Or, if we think about eating a thick steak, our stomach grumbles and our mouth waters. When youre writing about food, you want to activate those same parts of the brain to make your reader feel that he or she is sharing in the experience of eating it. Words like tasty, delicious, or, worst of all, really good, wont do anything for your readers emotions. Only words related to food or words and images with strong emotional connotations will really get your readers mouths watering.

Once youve written your articles, where do you market your food writing? If you live in a large city, you can write for a local newspaper or an alternative paper (i.e. the LA Weekly, the Austin Chronicle, etc.). Millions of people read these papers daily or weekly, and a good portion of those millions read the food section. When anyone in a major city needs to make restaurant reservations for a date, business dinner, party, or other social engagement, they look in the food section of the local paper for hot new restaurant reviews. Stay on top of restaurant openings and closings in your city. New restaurant openings can be your bread and butter. Local newspapers and online city guides are always wanting to print new restaurant reviews.

If you have a favorite local hangout that not many people know about, write an article on it. Submit your article with a proper query letter to a local newspaper. You might be the first one to write about the place, throwing needed business their way. In the end, you collect a decent paycheck from the newspaper, along with a published clip, a byline, and hopefully more work and referrals.

Another option is to write for magazines dedicated to food, dining, city nightlife, general lifestyles, or for the tourist market. If you plan to write for magazines, your choice of what to write about becomes much broader. You can write how-to articles, interview pieces, cookware reviews, and so on. If you plan to write for local tourism guides, your best bet is to write restaurant reviews. Tourists may not know about any of the well-known restaurants or diners in the area. Tourism guides provide insight and guidance to whats hot and whats not in the area. This means that theres a steady flow of potential readers for your restaurant reviews and other food writing.

If you dont live in a large city, its much more difficult to become a food writer. The mom n pop cafe downtown may have some of the best omelets youve ever tasted, but how are you supposed to sell an article if everyone in town already eats at that cafe every Friday night? Consider selling your articles to regional magazines. The Department of Transportation in several US states often publishes a monthly magazine about regional news. The editors of these magazines often look at local restaurant reviews as a source of human interest, or a way of boosting out-of-state tourism to non-traditional destinations.

Additionally, you might try writing sample copy for cookbooks, press releases for food suppliers, or ads for food companies. Companies and book publishers hire good food writers to help market anything from new varieties of pasta sauce to gourmet steak dishes. Even a nearby supermarket might be willing to pay for copy in weekly ad flyers.

Unfortunately for rural types, full-time food writing is more often than not an urban game. For urban types, food is one of the products that wont ever stop being popular, especially when its offered as part of a good restaurant experience. Thus food writing means job security, and more importantly than that: its just outright enjoyable writing. So get to it!


Word count: 862

Great Tips For How To Use Internet Marketing

Online marketing is a great way for businesses of any size to reach their target clientele. It is important to have a well thought-out plan to maximize the impact of the marketing campaign. Follow the tips and advice given here to establish an effective web marketing plan for your business.

Try solo ads. Solo ads are ones that you provide to owners of e-mail newsletters. How does this help you? You are able to reach a targeted group that might be interested in what you have to offer. More than that, your appearance in the newsletter means the owner approves of you. So, the readers are more likely to respond favorably to your ads.

When focusing on web marketing, it is important to remember to engage the customer. A two way dialogue can be key to increasing support for your product. Customers want their voices to be heard, and responding to complaints and feedback is an easy way to increase brand loyalty.

Make sure your emails are personalized. You want readers to feel like they're connecting with you when reading your emails and not like they're just reading some promo that was spewed out to thousands of people. If they connect with you, they're more likely to remember you and give you their business.

Incorporate a website banner which contains your mission statement or slogan, or possibly both. This adds an official feel to your website, and lets your customers know what your purpose is. If you wish to highlight your product or services, this is a smart idea.

Employing the use of the tips mentioned here gives your business a leg up on the competition by utilizing information that makes your website marketing campaign work harder to drive your online sales to new heights. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced veteran of internet sales, utilizing these tips is a sure-fire way to increase your sales.