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After the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, an unusual debate unfolded at Georgetown University Law Center, not only over the legacy of the conservative scholar, but whether political correctness and had stifled the possibility of open discourse in academia. Two professors questioned a laudatory memorial announcement that was issued by the law school; one publicly argued that the campus community would not mourn Scalia, who is one of the universitys most prominent alumni, calling him a defender of privilege, oppression and bigotry. And two professors wrote a response to that, describing how personally devastating the death was for them, and decrying the email, which they characterized

Washington Post



Increase Your Profits With These Internet Marketing Tips

Having to fend for yourself in life can definitely be tough. But then again, nobody ever said it would be easy. Nothing about finding a career is easy, especially if you're attempting to build up your business. It can be painstakingly tedious and exceedingly difficult. That's why it's important to use internet promotion tips like the ones in this article.

Hire someone or find volunteers to test your site before you launch it publicly in order to cut back on massive errors. Everyone from video game designers to car manufacturers always has test runs of their products. A big game release will be in beta tested for years before it is finally released to the public. You should take at least a few days and have people test your site for function and ask for feedback.

Getting your business name in as many publications as you can, is important to bringing in new business. It does not have to cost you money to be listed in local business directories. Go read this post here online and search your local area, to find which directories are free to post your business and website address.

Start a blog. While many small businesses believe that blogging will not assist them in their efforts, it has been shown that blogs actually bring in revenue. As long as you stay honest with your customers about the blog being a business based one, they will be able to trust you. Blogs are great for talking about new sales you may be having, or new products getting ready to hit the market.

Always check your site for broken links before doing an website marketing campaign. How humiliating would it be if you run a successful marketing campaign and then customers have the worst experience ever on your website due to broken links? Make sure you check for grammar and spelling errors as well.

The Internet may help you reach a wide audience, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't change your techniques. Employing different tips and tricks will help your marketing remain fresh instead of feeling stale. Apply the advice in this article the next time you're looking for a new and interesting way to market your goods or services.